

to the

Digital Future"

Lokina helps you build your digital success
with creativity and expertise

2 weeks

The challenge

As a freelance creative director, I was enthusiastic about the challenge of collaborating with Lokina, a 360 web agency in search of a distinctive graphic identity. The mission was clear: to create a logotype and a visual identity that would reflect their expertise while embodying their vision of solving digital problems for their clients.

The goal

My goal was to bring Lokina's digital vision to life. By redefining their visual identity, I wanted to highlight their passion for innovation and their commitment to their customers. My creative approach aimed to give Lokina a memorable online presence, while building their credibility as experts in web solutions.

the process

The essence of our work lay in listening attentively to their vision and their founding values. Diving deep into their universe, I accurately captured their dedicated passion for solving their clients' digital challenges.

To create a memorable visual identity, I fused creative aesthetics with Lokina's technical expertise. Each graphic element has been carefully thought out to reflect their unique personality and highlight their know-how in web solutions.

Close collaboration with the Lokina team was essential throughout the process. By sharing my concepts, I gathered their valuable feedback, which allowed us to refine every detail of the design until we achieved an impactful result.

The launch of their new graphic identity was crowned with success. Not only did it strengthen their competitive position, but it also made new customers interested in their brand.