
"A garden is a


we can visit

at anytime !"

Gardenia reinvents your garden and your interior. A marketplace that is good for your garden and your interior !

gardenia (concept)
identity & Design UI
2 months

The challenge

Gardenia contacted me to create a unique graphic identity for their gardening marketplace and to design the first
e-commerce sales page to showcase their products. My main challenge was to meet their design requirements
and provide an intuitive and enjoyable user experience.

The goal

The goal was to create an online sales platform that would showcase Gardenia's product selection and provide a smooth and intuitive user experience. I also wanted to create a graphic identity that would
reflect Gardenia's brand image, while attracting gardening enthusiasts.

the process

I started by analyzing the needs and expectations of Gardenia and their target audience to design a graphic identity that would meet their requirements. Next, I worked on UI design using a user-centric approach, creating wireframes and performing usability testing. Once we finalized the design,
I started working on creating the e-commerce sales page.


The graphic identity that I created for Gardenia is modern, fresh and in tune with their target audience. I opted for a natural and soothing color palette, with easy to read typography. I also worked on creating impactful visuals
to showcase their products.

Design ui

The first e-commerce sales page I created for Gardenia was designed to provide an intuitive and smooth user experience on all devices. I opted for a minimalist and clean design, with easy to understand navigation. I have also incorporated features such as advanced search filters and category navigation to make it easier to find products. Finally, I worked on optimizing the page loading speed to provide a fast and pleasant user experience.